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Produkt zum Begriff Org-Design-for-Design:

  • Design for Developers
    Design for Developers

    Solve common application design and usability issues with flair! Design for Developers introduces the essential design and UX techniques to help you create good user experiences, iterate smoothly on front-end features, and collaborate effectively with designer colleagues. Author Stephanie Stimac shares the unique insights she's learned as a designer for the Microsoft Developer Experiences team. This one-of-a-kind book provides a developer-centric approach to the essential design fundamentals of modern web applications. Key features include: Use colour, typography, and layout to create a hierarchy on a web page Apply colour palettes consistently in a user interface Choose the correct typefaces and fonts Conduct user research to validate design decisions Quickly plan a website's layout and structure Ideal for web developers familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript basics, you will learn how to craft a polished visual design with just colour, space, and typeface and put all your new skills into practice to design a website from scratch. About the technology Having good design sense will make you a better web developer. This practical guide teaches you essential design and UX principles so you can speak the language of design and make more informed decisions about how you build your apps. You will also get up to speed with the design workflow and learn how to integrate the design process effectively into the development lifecycle.

    Preis: 48.14 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Interface Design for Learning: Design Strategies for Learning Experiences
    Interface Design for Learning: Design Strategies for Learning Experiences

    In offices, colleges, and living rooms across the globe, learners of all ages are logging into virtual laboratories, online classrooms, and 3D worlds. Kids from kindergarten to high school are honing math and literacy skills on their phones and iPads. If that weren’t enough, people worldwide are aggregating internet services (from social networks to media content) to learn from each other in “Personal Learning Environments.” Strange as it sounds, the future of education is now as much in the hands of digital designers and programmers as it is in the hands of teachers.And yet, as interface designers, how much do we really know about how people learn? How does interface design actually impact learning? And how do we design environments that support both the cognitive and emotional sides of learning experiences? The answers have been hidden away in the research on education, psychology, and human computer interaction, until now. Packed with over 100 evidence-based strategies, in this book you’ll learn how to:Design educational games, apps, and multimedia interfaces in ways that enhance learningSupport creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration through interface designDesign effective visual layouts, navigation, and multimedia for online and mobile learningImprove educational outcomes through interface design.

    Preis: 18.18 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Patternmaking for Fashion Design
    Patternmaking for Fashion Design

    Learn the 3 design principles of patternmaking and develop the skills to become a master in your work Patternmaking for Fashion Design, 5th edition, international edition, is the easy-to-understand, detailed guide to patternmaking that provides you with all the information necessary to create design patterns accurately, regardless of their complexity. The text follows the notion that all designs are based on one or more of the three major patternmaking design principles (dart manipulation, added fullness, and contouring) and returns to them throughout, teaching you how to address and master these principles. A practical introduction to patternmaking, the book includes discussions about the workroom, the model form and measuring techniques, and how to draft the basic pattern set. Along with complete coverage of the three steps of design patterns, the text includes chapter projects to help you develop your skills and understanding. This latest edition has been updated with modern, cutting-edge sketches and designs to aid your learning as well as advanced design projects that have been added to selected chapters. Comparisons of human variations and examples of how to take and record personal measurements now help you adjust your designs for all body types. Renowned for its exceptional illustrations and clear instructions, this book will help you develop the skills and techniques needed to become a master in your work.

    Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • IP Design for Mobile Networks
    IP Design for Mobile Networks

    As the cellular world and the Internet converge, mobile networks are transitioning from circuit to packet and the Internet Protocol (IP) is now recognized as the fundamental building block for all next-generation communication networks. The all-IP vision provides the flexibility to deliver cost-effective services and applications that meet the evolving needs of mobile users. RF engineers, mobile network designers, and system architects will be expected to have an understanding of IP fundamentals and how their role in delivering the end-to-end system is crucial for delivering the all-IP vision that makes the Internet accessible anytime, anywhere.   IP Design for Mobile Networks discusses proper IP design theory to effectively plan and implement your next-generation mobile network so that IP integrates all aspects of the network. The book outlines, from both a standards and a design theory perspective, both the current and target state of mobile networks, and the technology enablers that will assist the migration. This IP transition begins with function-specific migrations of specific network domains and ends with an end-to-end IP network for radio, transport, and service delivery. The book introduces many concepts to give you exposure to the key technology trends and decision points affecting today’s mobile operators.   The book is divided into three parts: Part I provides an overview of how IP is being integrated into mobile systems, including radio systems and cellular networks. Part II provides an overview of IP, the technologies used for transport and connectivity of today’s cellular networks, and how the mobile core is evolving to encompass IP technologies. Part III provides an overview of the end-to-end services network based on IP, including context awareness and services. Presents an overview of what mobile networks look like today–including protocols used, transport technologies, and how IP is being used for specific functions in mobile networks Provides an all-inclusive reference manual for IP design theory as related to the broader application of IP for mobile networks Imparts a view of upcoming trends in mobility standards to better prepare a network evolution plan for IP-based mobile networks  This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from Cisco Press®, which offers networking professionals valuable information for constructing efficient networks, understanding new technologies, and building successful careers.  

    Preis: 23.53 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was ist Design, Re-Design und Anti-Design?

    Design bezieht sich auf den Prozess der Gestaltung von Produkten, Dienstleistungen oder Systemen, um ihre Funktionalität, Ästhetik und Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu verbessern. Re-Design bezieht sich auf die Überarbeitung oder Neugestaltung eines bestehenden Designs, um es zu verbessern oder an neue Anforderungen anzupassen. Anti-Design bezieht sich auf den bewussten Einsatz von unkonventionellen oder provokanten Gestaltungselementen, um Konventionen zu brechen und eine kritische Haltung gegenüber etablierten Designprinzipien auszudrücken.

  • Welches Design?

    Es tut mir leid, aber ich benötige weitere Informationen, um Ihre Frage zu beantworten. Welches Design meinen Sie?

  • Mit welchem Bereich kann man mehr Geld verdienen: Interior Design, Grafik Design oder UX Design?

    Es ist schwierig, genau zu sagen, mit welchem Bereich man mehr Geld verdienen kann, da dies von verschiedenen Faktoren abhängt, wie zum Beispiel dem Standort, der Erfahrung und dem Ruf des Designers. Im Allgemeinen kann man jedoch sagen, dass UX Design oft als lukrativer angesehen wird, da es eine hohe Nachfrage gibt und die Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse, die für UX Design erforderlich sind, oft spezialisierter sind. Grafik Design und Interior Design können jedoch auch gut bezahlt werden, insbesondere wenn man sich einen Namen gemacht hat und in der Branche erfolgreich ist.

  • Welche App ist gut für Fashion Design oder Graphic Design?

    Es gibt viele Apps, die für Fashion Design oder Graphic Design geeignet sind. Einige beliebte Optionen sind Adobe Illustrator, Procreate und Canva. Diese Apps bieten eine Vielzahl von Funktionen und Werkzeugen, um kreative Designs zu erstellen und zu bearbeiten. Es ist wichtig, die Funktionen und Benutzeroberfläche jeder App zu überprüfen, um diejenige zu finden, die am besten zu den individuellen Bedürfnissen und Vorlieben passt.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Org-Design-for-Design:

  • Database Design for Mere Mortals
    Database Design for Mere Mortals

    The #1 Easy, Commonsense Guide to Database DesignNow UpdatedForeword by Michelle Poolet, Mount Vernon Data Systems LLCMichael J. Hernandez's best-selling Database Design for Mere Mortals has earned worldwide respect as the simplest way to learn relational database design. Now, he's made this hands-on, software independent tutorial even clearer and easier to use.Step by step, this new 25th Anniversary Edition shows you how to design modern databases that are soundly structured, reliable, and flexible, even in the latest online applications. Hernandez guides you through everything from planning to defining tables, fields, keys, table relationships, business rules, and views. You'll learn practical ways to improve data integrity, how to avoid common mistakes, and when to break the rules. Updated review questions and figures help you learn these techniques more easily and effectively.Understand database types, models, and design terminologyPerform interviews to efficiently capture requirementseven if everyone's working remotelySet clear design objectives and transform them into effective designsAnalyze a current database so you can identify ways to improve itEstablish table structures and relationships, assign primary keys, set field specifications, and set up viewsEnsure the correct level of data integrity for each databaseIdentify and establish business rulesPreview and prepare for the future of relational databasesWhatever relational database systems you use, Hernandez will help you design databases that are robust and trustworthy. Never designed a database before? Settling for inadequate generic designs? Running existing databases that need improvement? Start here.

    Preis: 40.65 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Communicating Design: Developing Web Site Documentation for Design and Planning
    Communicating Design: Developing Web Site Documentation for Design and Planning

    Successful web design teams depend on clear communication between developers and their clients—and among members of the development team. Wireframes, site maps, flow charts, and other design diagrams establish a common language so designers and project teams can capture ideas, track progress, and keep their stakeholders informed.   In this all new edition of Communicating Design, author and information architect Dan Brown defines and describes each deliverable, then offers practical advice for creating the documents and using them in the context of teamwork and presentations, independent of methodology. Whatever processes, tools, or approaches you use, this book will help you improve the creation and presentation of your wireframes, site maps, flow charts, and other deliverables.   The book now features:  An improved structure comprising two main sections: Design Diagrams and Design Deliverables. The first focuses on the nuts and bolts of design documentation and the second explains how to pull it all together.  New deliverable: design briefs, as well as updated advice on wireframes, flow charts, and concept models.  More illustrations, to help designers understand the subtle variations and approaches to creating design diagrams. Reader exercises, for those lonely nights when all you really want to do is practice creating wireframes, or for use in workshops and classes. Contributions from industry leaders: Tamara Adlin, Stephen Anderson, Dana Chisnell, Nathan Curtis, Chris Fahey, James Melzer, Steve Mulder, Donna Spencer, and Russ Unger.   “As an educator, I have looked to Communicating Design both as a formal textbook and an informal guide for its design systems that ultimately make our ideas possible and the complex clear.” —Liz Danzico, from the Foreword

    Preis: 25.67 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Design for How People Learn
    Design for How People Learn

    Products, technologies, and workplaces change so quickly today that everyone is continually learning. Many of us are also teaching, even when it's not in our job descriptions. Whether it's giving a presentation, writing documentation, or creating a website or blog, we need and want to share our knowledge with other people. But if you've ever fallen asleep over a boring textbook, or fast-forwarded through a tedious e-learning exercise, you know that creating a great learning experience is harder than it seems.   In Design For How People Learn, Second Edition, you'll discover how to use the key principles behind learning, memory, and attention to create materials that enable your audience to both gain and retain the knowledge and skills you're sharing. Updated to cover new insights and research into how we learn and remember, this new edition includes new techniques for using social media for learning as well as two brand new chapters on designing for habit and best practices for evaluating learning, such as how and when to use tests. Using accessible visual metaphors and concrete methods and examples, Design For How People Learn, Second Edition will teach you how to leverage the fundamental concepts of instructional design both to improve your own learning and to engage your audience.

    Preis: 20.32 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • 41 Zoll Elektroakustikgitarre - Vielseitiger Klang und modernes Design
    41 Zoll Elektroakustikgitarre - Vielseitiger Klang und modernes Design

    41 Zoll Elektroakustikgitarre - Vielseitiger Klang und modernes Design. Beschreibung:. Diese 41 Zoll Elektroakustikgitarre von V-glorify bietet eine hervorragende Kombination aus Klangqualität, Spielkomfort und modernem Design. Mit ihrer laminierten Fichtendecke, dem Cutaway und der eingebauten Elektronik ist sie die ideale Wahl für Bühnenauftritte, Studioaufnahmen und das Spielen zu Hause.. Highlights:. Elektroakustisch: Die eingebaute Elektronik ermöglicht es Ihnen, den Klang der Gitarre zu verstärken und anzupassen.. Laminierte Fichtendecke: Die laminierte Fichtendecke sorgt für einen klaren, ausgewogenen und resonanten Klang.. Cutaway: Ermöglicht einfachen Zugriff auf die höheren Bünde.. 22 Bünde: Bietet eine große Bandbreite an Tönen und ermöglicht es Ihnen, verschiedene Songs und Stile zu spielen.. Hochwertige Verarbeitung: Die Gitarre ist sorgfältig verarbeitet und mit hochwertigen Komponenten ausgestattet.. Verfügbar in verschiedenen Farben: Wählen Sie zwischen Kirsche, Sunburst, Blau und Rot, um die Gitarre Ihrem persönlichen Stil anzupassen.. Technische Daten:. Größe: 41 Zoll. Farbe: Kirsche, Sunburst, Blau, Rot. Decke: Laminiertes Fichtenholz. Boden und Zargen: Kunststoff. Hals: Okouméholz. Griffbrett: Technisches Holz. Sattel und Steg: [Bitte Material von Sattel und Steg einfügen]. Mechaniken: Chrom Druckguss. Bünde: 22. Elektronik: [Bitte genaue Spezifikationen der Elektronik einfügen]. Finish: Hochglanz. Gewicht: [Bitte Gewicht einfügen]. Lieferumfang:. 1 x 41 Zoll Elektroakustikgitarre. Produkt Tags:. E-Gitarre, Akustikgitarre, Elektroakustikgitarre, 41 Zoll, Fichte, Okoumé, Tech Wood, Cutaway

    Preis: 349.00 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Hochschule Berlin Design

    BTK - Hochschul...HMKW akademie...Weißensee Kunsthoch...Mehr Ergebnisse

  • Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Game Design und Level Design?

    Game Design bezieht sich auf die Gesamtgestaltung eines Videospiels, einschließlich der Spielmechanik, der Story, der Charaktere und der Spielziele. Es umfasst die Konzeption und Planung des Spiels als Ganzes. Level Design hingegen konzentriert sich auf die Gestaltung einzelner Spielabschnitte oder Levels, einschließlich der Platzierung von Hindernissen, Gegnern und Ressourcen, um eine herausfordernde und unterhaltsame Spielerfahrung zu schaffen. Es ist ein Teilbereich des Game Designs.

  • Welche App ist gut für Fashion Design oder Graphic Design?

    Es gibt viele gute Apps für Fashion Design oder Graphic Design, aber einige beliebte Optionen sind Adobe Illustrator, Procreate und Canva. Diese Apps bieten eine Vielzahl von Tools und Funktionen, um professionelle Designs zu erstellen und zu bearbeiten. Es hängt jedoch von den individuellen Bedürfnissen und Vorlieben ab, welche App am besten geeignet ist.

  • Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Design, Kunst und Handwerk?

    Design bezieht sich auf die Gestaltung von Objekten oder Systemen, um ihre Funktion und Ästhetik zu verbessern. Kunst hingegen ist eine kreative Ausdrucksform, die oft subjektiv und interpretativ ist. Handwerk bezieht sich auf die Fähigkeit, Objekte von Hand herzustellen, oft mit traditionellen Techniken und Materialien. Während Design und Kunst oft künstlerische Elemente enthalten können, liegt der Schwerpunkt beim Handwerk auf der handwerklichen Fertigkeit und der Herstellung von funktionalen Objekten.

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